Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Fly fishing
Cannon's Pond
A new poem from my upcoming book, "Fishing Kids" 

Belding Michigan my hometown
Supported a large ice house in the 1930s
They constructed their dam on Cannon’s Creek
And captured thick ice in winter

Cannon’s Pond attracted kids
For great fun ice skating
Before cutting ice blocks
Stored in ice house till summer
Two feet of sawdust insulation

One summer my Buddy Russ and I
Decided on fly fishing in Cannon’s Pond
Both Dads . . . no trout there
Both sons . . . let’s go fishing
Try the new flies we tied

I cast first fly with my fly rod
Way out into the pond
Reeled in slowly as if a living fly
Ross cast his fly out further
Patience . . . we tried for patience

Tried again casting both flies
Closer to east end creek entry
Bam . . . Russ got a bite on his fly
Wham . . . I got a hit on my fly
Reeled in two beautiful rainbow trout

The fishing kids strike again
What to tell Dads
What not to tell others
 More trout are up stream a ways
We head home laughing happy fishing kids

Belding had an icehouse
Belding had a trout stream
Belding had the fishing kids

Thank you for constructing the
Cannon’s Creek Dam
We didn't need the icehouse forever
But fisherman will need the Cannon’s Creek Dam

Copyright...E. John Knapp...2013

Cannon's Creek Dam

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